Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day Three: Eight Fears

Sorry for the late post tonight - I just spent the evening cruising a few country roads on the back of a Harley with a man who wears explicative stickers on his motorcycle helmet.  And I loved every minute of it.

1.  Bees (or hornets/yellow jackets/wasps).  They scare the bejeezus out of me :/
2.  I am crazy terrified of the boys getting sick in the middle of the night.  By sick, I mean puking.  This has happened only a couple of times, but those couple of times were horrible enough to make a mark on my being.
3.  Oncoming traffic.  Who knows when that 18-wheeler is going to come across that yellow line, or when that mother driving that mini-van is going to reach back into the backseat to separate two fighting siblings.  Then BAM!
4.  That Brandon's cancer will relapse.
5.  That my boys will marry someone who doesn't like me.  I've seen way too many in-law collisions (not my in-laws - LOVE THEM).  But you know what happens when your son marries a girl who hates his mother?  They move off, she doesn't let her hubby visit his parents, they have babies and then she never lets his mother babysit or dote on those sweet little grand babies.  And IF the grandmother sneaks in a present or two - she never lets them wear them.  And let's not talk about all the eye-rolling.  Ugh.  That would absolutely break this mother's heart in half.
6.  I'm terrified that there may be a bug crawling on me in the middle of the night - which is why I always do the "cover check".
7.  That I will screw up raising my boys to be good, honorable men, doting husbands and loving fathers.
8.  That I'll forget to unplug my hair straightener in my mad dash out the door and my house will burn down while I'm at work.

On deck for tomorrow - Seven Wants.  We all know that won't be too difficult ;)

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