Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day Four: 7 Wants

On day 4 of this 10 day challenge, I am supposed to write about 7 "wants".  Hahaha - I think this one would be the easiest for anyone.  So let's get started ....

1.  A bigger house - complete with a laundry room, playroom, and a decent sized yard.  I don't need 3,000 square feet, I just need bigger than what we currently have, which is about 1300.  Let me tell you, we live in every.square.inch of our home.
2.  A new car for me.  I go between wanting a sensible 4-door Honda Accord to lusting after the 4-door style Jeep Wrangler.   Gas mileage isn't really an issue since my commute is all of 3/4 mile ;)
3.  I really want Brooks to start talking.  Sure, he can say words like "mama, dada, this, that, ear, bye, bite"  but mostly he just grunts.  He points and grunts.  He understands what you're saying, he's just too lazy to speak back.  And why would he?  When he points and grunts or at the MOST says "DAT!" , his big brother Will jumps up and gets whatever he's wanting.  At 18 months, Will was saying 1-3 words together.  I'm lucky if Brooks says one word a day.
4.  I really really really want to get over my anxiety issues.
5.  I want to continue to grow more and more in love with Brandon every day.  This year has been a big year for us, and because we have gotten through it together, our relationship is stronger than ever.  I want that to continue, even as our trials and tribulations pass (hopefully soon).
6.  I want financial freedom for a few people who are near and dear to my heart, whom this economy has struck pretty hard.  Whatever (honest) means that came by, I would be happy with.  I just want them not to have to worry so much about house payments, insurance, etc....
7.  And lastly, I would loooovvvvveeee to have $1,000 shopping spree each for myself, Brandon, Will and Brooks.  Could I spend $1,000 on each of us??  You bet!  hmmm - I'm dreaming of it now - a new pair of sunglasses, a new purse, clothes, those tall boots that come over your knee......

See ya tomorrow for "6 Places"!  Goodnight Sweets!

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