Monday, August 22, 2011

10 Day Challenge - Day One

I decided to do something a little different - a blogging challenge if you will.  See, those of you who don't blog may not understand the issues a blogger faces.  You may think "I have loads to say, and plenty of people would listen."  Maybe.  But I don't think so.  I often catch myself wondering in the middle of a catastrophe moment thinking this would make an excellent blog post.  But the fact of the matter is, it's usually not as interesting to others as it is to you and before you know it, you've talked yourself into writing about the things you always do - the kids, the home front, the national news for goodness sake.

So here goes - Day One - 10 Secrets:

1.  My husband - my sweet husband - does 90% of our family's laundry.
2.  I desperately want a different vehicle for myself.  I get that the danger ranger is paid for, and that's the only reason while I continue to drive him, but I'm just vain enough to hate it.
3.  In the teensiest tiniest way, I feel like a failure for not having a better-paying, more-challenging job.  I took my current job because I wanted less stress and more time for the babies - which I'm grateful for, but I can't help the way I truly feel.
4.  I feel guilty for admitting #3 when there are plenty of jobless people out there :(
5.  My feet are really smelly.
6.  My closet is a disaster zone - as are my childrens' and our basement.  Oh well.  I think I know where everything is.
7.  I have terrible nightmares.  I have my whole life (and I think Will has them too.)
8.  I have a hard time not judging people based on their grammar.  I know that it doesn't mean you aren't smart, and especially here in the South - it's more habit than ignorance, but I still wish you cared enough about what you sounded like to speak correctly.
9.  Some of my Facebook friends really get on my nerves with their completely predictable posts.  You know the ones - you probably have similar friends - the ones that constantly post the same thing:  "I am SUPER DUPER blessed!  I LOVE MY LIFE!"  or how about the constant sickling "ugh.  don't feel good."  or about the ones that get up at the crack of dawn to log on and tell us "Good Morning!"  Don't get me wrong, I love that you love you're life and I hate it you're sick today, but tell me something I couldn't have guessed.  And don't get me started on grown men who say "LOL."
10.  I love old people - I'm talking 75+.  Especially dear to my heart are widows.  If I'm being honest, I just want to drive them home safely, make a cup of tea and sit at their kitchen table and talk about their childhood.  Then I want to tuck them into their warm beds and sit with them until they go to sleep so that they're never lonely.

See - don't you feel like you know me a little better?  And you probably like me a little less.  That's okay.   But maybe you'll come back and read the remaining 9 days to figure out that I'm not so bad.  And if you blog, I encourage you to take this challenge with me.  I would love to hear others' secrets ;)

And for those of you who have been following Brandon's progress, he had a check-up today with his oncologist.  Just a little bloodwork and we should have the results next Monday.  Please continue to pray for Brandon, as he has a long road before he is completely out of the woods :)  Good night!

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