Sunday, May 5, 2013

Day 5 - Blogger Love

Before we get started on Day 5 of my blogging challenge, let me just tell you about the WORST trip to Target with a child I have ever experienced.  I had to run a few errands today in preparation for our upcoming beach trip (YAYYYYY) and decided to take my usually well-behaved oldest child with me for a little one-on-one time.  I generally really love my one-on-one time with Will because I just LOVE to hear what he has to say.  His little mind never ceases to amaze me :)

So today, we had a few errands to run and our 2nd stop was Target.  He has just started really asking for a "toy" when we go somewhere - I thought we were doing so well to go 5 years without this happening, but alas... anyway- I told him in the car that we were not going in for toy shopping - only to get a few things for our beach trip.  He agreed.  That was all fine and good until we passed the toy department.  He asked to look.  I made the mistake of agreeing to let him look as a treat for his behavior.  That did us in.  He asked for a toy car.  And I can't just get one - Brooks would want one too, so I said no.  (Like we need another hot wheel in this house anyway).  That was when the wheels fell off.  He surprised me in the worst way.  My usually well behaved child LAID DOWN IN THE AISLE IN FRONT OF THE CART.  He cried.  He screamed.  He threw the biggest tantrum EVER, which is not like him at all.  I got down on his level and talked quietly to him.  Didn't work.  I tried to put him in the cart, just to get him out of there faster.  He spread his little arms and legs out and wouldn't budge.  I spanked him.  Nope.  Not working.  This went on for at least 20 minutes.  Finally, I just pushed my cart, with him hanging off the side to the check out counter.  I saw at least 3 people I know and grinned through my teeth to each one of them (sorry if I was rude!).  I was SO embarrassed. I was that mother with the screaming, bratty child today (not that I haven't been before but this was the worst).  At some point while I was checking out, I began talking to the two older women behind me.  Both gave me sympathetic smiles and told me that he would outgrow it.  They were so sweet to assure me that both of their now-grown children did exactly as Will was doing.  Will decided to calm down while I was talking to those sweet ladies and sobbed quietly until we got the car.  He apologized for his behavior on his own in the car, but later told me that he wasn't upset over the car - he was upset because I was being such a "bossy pants".  siggghhhhhh......

Those sweet little boogers can really throw you for a loop sometimes....

For the 5th day of my blogging challenge, I am supposed to profess my love for a "blogging friend."  I have lots of blogs that I love and read (a later challenge day I think), but I haven't really made real life connections with those women.  As far as a "friend" blogger, I would have to go with Abby over at Homebirthinmomma.  Now let me just tell you that Abby and I are about as different as night and day - but I have lots of friends that are different from me ;)  The world probably couldn't handle too many people like me anyway.

I love Abby because she is completely, 100% steadfast in her beliefs and lifestyle.  She has home births, home schools her kids, is a devout Christian and prides herself in their clean eating habits.  While I could never see myself having a baby in the bathtub (unless by traumatic accident) or homeschooling my children, Abby does both without batting an eyelash.  She is also a great mom and a good friend.  Abby always steps up to the plate to help a friend in need.  If her husband would let her, I imagine Abby would be the next Mrs. Duggar :)  Check her out!

Day 6 of the blogging challenge poses the question "if you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the questions 'what do you do?'"  See you then!

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