Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 10 - Most Embarrassing Moment

Yeesh.  I've had many many *many* embarrassing moments, but there is one that sticks out the most in my mind.  It actually happened just recently.... at work no less....

So maybe you haven't heard, but I had my tubes tied after the birth of our 3rd child this past fall.  It certainly wasn't an easy peasy thing.  It was incredibly painful for someone who did not have a ceserean.  Anyway, there are lots of other not so widely discussed side effects from having your tubes tide.  For me, I have had incredibly heavy cycles.  TMI I know, but it does effect the story quite a bit....

While on my period a few months ago, I was at the bank working away.  It was about 11AM and I had already been to the bathroom to regroup about 5 times since I had been at work.  Like I said, NOT pleasant.  That particular day I was relieving our tellers for the lunch hours.  When you are on the teller line, you are on your feet and on that particular day, it was a steady flow (haha - pun intended) of customers.  I knew I was in trouble, but I had no where to run ya know?

When a middle-aged gentlemen walked in and asked for my branch manager, I had to go look for her (she was eating lunch in the break room).  I walked past him and found my branch manager.  As I was walking away from her AND the male customer, a coworker informed me that I had blood all over the seat of my tan colored pants.  To make it worse, the customer also pointed it out.  Oh. My. GOSH.  I literally ran with tears in my eyes out of the bank, with no explanation. 

I went home and changed pants, got my game face on and came back to work.  As soon as I walked in, our Vice President (also a male) says "Did you just change pants?" sigghhhhhhhh.....

I was MORTIFIED.  I felt like a 13 year old girl.  Let me just tell you - I have invested in many many many pairs of black pants since that day ;)

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