Monday, April 9, 2012

Random Thoughts

Easter Recap
I hope everyone had a great Easter.  We had a great time spent with family and friends.  Here are my thoughts on Easter 2012:

*Since when did Easter become Christmas 2.0?!!  I mean seriously - I'm guilty of giving my kids an Easter basket stuffed with lots of Spring/Easter themed goodies, but I've seen the pics some of you have posted on Facebook of your kids' Easter baskets and I'm amazed that 90% of the pics showed an abundance of toys, games, books and electronics (and even a freakin' tricycle) spilling out of the baskets and onto the floor.  I mean if you have to stack your kid's Easter presents around his basket, there is a good chance you missed the idea behind the Easter basket.

*Second thought - next year, NO MORE CANDY!  My kids brought home more candy from their two egg hunts than they did after hitting 200 houses in our neighborhood at Halloween.  I gave one bag full away and took another bag full to work today.  And we still have a HUGE bucket full.  Yuck.  No more.

*Third thought - even though your spoiled rotten kids received tricycles and Nintendo games as gifts for Easter (still can't get over that), they looked cute as pie in their Sunday best.  Here are mine:  

I think they used some new reflective fabric in these outfits - wow.

Brooks' first time on a horse

Will's first time on a horse (which he loved but you can't tell based on his expression)

I love this picture - he's on a mission!

Will looks so grown up here (and yes - count on at least one child to ruin their outfit before the egg hunt.  Happens every.single.year)

Bean 3 Has a Name
At least I'm 99% certain that she does.  Now that we've finally agreed on a name, I'm a little nervous to announce it out of fear that Brandon will change his mind and go back to saying he's not sure about it.  Maybe I'll make that my next post?  My next post will be my 100th - maybe Bean's name is special enough for that kind of celebration ;)

My Blog
I ran into an old high school classmate tonight (we can call ourselves old now that our 10 year reunion is upon us!) and she was very sweet.  She told me how much she loves my blog and how it really lifts her spirits, makes her laugh and makes her feel good.  I can't tell you how awesome that makes me feel.  I read a LOT of blogs - some of them are too materialistic, a lot of them feel too much like Sunday School and MOST of them are fake.  They paint this wonderful picture of life - their children are wonderful, their husband is perfect, and they most certainly have the cleanest house and cook 3 fresh from-scratch meals every single day.  Not me.  I just can't.  I try my very hardest to be real on here.  My kids are far from perfect, we eat out (or in but quick) a lot, I pay someone to clean my house, and I'm not so perky that you want to scratch my eyeballs out all the time.  I love Jesus and I'm so thankful that he's taken care of my family the way he has, but you won't see too many Bible lessons on here.  I just need a place to get my thoughts out.  To clear my head.  To get out my frustrations, anxieties and excitements, and this blog does that for me.

There are people who read my blog just to make fun of it.  There are those people who have said (to my face) "Oh let me guess - will you put this on your little blog?" or say "I just don't get it.  Who are you talking to?"  OR my personal favorite - "I just don't have time to read or write blogs because I spend time with my family instead of sitting on the computer."  That's great.  I hope that you spend that quality time with your kids showing them exactly how to be a stick in the mud with the attitude of a bull frog.  

I've never missed one single exciting, happy, sad or important moment with my children because of this blog.  In fact, my biggest momma's boy is asleep beside me right now because he fell asleep watching Diego in our bed.  I really wish people would use this blog as a way to relate to other parents, other wives, working moms, or women who have husbands battling some awful disease.  I hope that you're reading this blog because you love it and it makes you feel good.  If you're reading this blog because you want to make fun of it - well then, you're wasting more time than I've ever wasted writing it.  


  1. I love this post!! I needed the true honesty and it made me laugh. I read a lot of blogs too and I've had my blog since 2008. I write very literally for myself. I don't care what people think of my blog and I usually don't share it with people I know anyway. I am very random. You'll find my thoughts on many different things. Ive had lots of compliments, rude comments and some who thought they needed to tell me how to write. But what they don't seem to understand is I don't care what they think!! Haha I do enjoy your stories and your writing skills are great. Keep it up! I for one enjoy your blog!

  2. Well Said, friend! I love your honest writing!

  3. Your boys are too cute! Love your honesty. Congrats on baby #3. Have a good weekend :)
