Sunday, February 6, 2011

Santa KNEW IT!

I was super excited this past Christmas.  First, we had a new family member to enjoy the season with - sweet Brooks.  Of course, he was way too young to understand the festivities, but his presence alone made this a special Christmas.  Secondly, Will was finally coming to the age of understanding the festivities.

For weeks leading up to the event, we talked about Christmas lights, Santa, Christmas trees and gifts.  Every time that someone ask Will what he wanted Santa to bring him, he replied with the same answer - "a green bicycle."  All parents anticipate this question from strangers with wild abandon. What will the child as for??  A doll?  Playdoh?  The moon?  And there it was - a green bicycle.  I won't bore you with all the crazy research and shopping that preluded the green bicycle.  But there was a lot.  Santa and I finally had a conversation and decided upon a silver and green Buzz Lightyear bicycle.  And boy did Santa deliver.

Let's just say I got a lot of raised eyebrows when I mentioned that Will was getting a bicycle for Christmas.  After all, he is just two years-old and he couldn't even pedal his cousin's tricycle at the time of his request.  BUT - it was what he wanted, and I thought "what the heck - he'll grow into it and maybe we'll learn to ride it this summer, after his third birthday."

Well, for several weeks after the big Christmas reveal, the bike sat in our living room unused due to the crazy arctic weather that we've had for so many weeks.  Finally however, the weather cooperated and warmed up enough last weekend for a trip outside with the Buzz Lightyear bike.  You may remember this pic from that weekend -

We were trying to teach him to pedal, by mostly pushing him along.

This afternoon we got out for our second trip with the bicycle.  Brooks and daddy stayed inside for some zzzzzzzz's and Will and I got our jackets on and met our neighbors for some bike time.  I put the little guy's helmet on, and the rest is history.  I'll let the video below speak for itself.

WOW!  I am one proud mama!  And to all the nay-sayers who might have mentioned how young he was or questioned our decision - na na na na booo boooooo :)   The man knows what he wants, and he wants a GREEN BICYCLE!

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