Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

We celebrated Valentine's Day a day early with the boys this year.  With the holiday falling on a Monday, I just decided that we'd celebrate Sunday evening.  Monday mornings are CRAZY at our house (who am I kidding - every morning is crazy at our house!)  

Will was excited to attend the children's Valentine's Day party at his Nonna and Pop's church this morning.  They packed him full of sugar and sent him home with a craft.  He loved it.  When I tucked him in tonight, I told him that tomorrow is Valentine's Day.  He then asked "Well are we going back to church in the morning?"  Ha!  I guess we can only celebrate Valentine's Day at church :)

Before supper tonight, I gave the boys their little Valentine's from Mommy and Daddy.  I ask Will if I could be his Valentine, but he told me no - he wanted his Gamma (my mom) to be his Valentine.  hmph!  They each had matching Valentine gifts, right down to the cards:

I try to use practical "gift bags" - you know, something that can be used again.  For Valentine's Day, I chose red sand buckets.

Their main gift was a sock monkey :)  So cute and it kind of went with the "red" theme.  Will really loves his stuffed animals.  We're up to six sleep-in animals in his bed.

They also each got a book.  We love books, so they're easy gifts for my boys.

In keeping with the red theme, they got these nifty little fruit treats too - strawberry of course.

Finally, they each got a little red t-shirt from Target.  I tried to find a pic, but I'm coming up empty-handed :(

That rounds up the boys' Valentine's Day.  Brandon and I will probably celebrate tomorrow, with dinner at home.  Maybe we'll put the boys to bed and actually eat dinner alone.  You know - without having to take breaks to fetch thrown sippy cups or force feed a stubborn eater.  We decided not to do gifts for each other this year.  No real method to our madness there, other than it's kind of unnecessary for us at this point.  I did get him a card, and I'll try my best to write something mushy and sentimental in it :)

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