Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 6 - What Do You Do?

In today's post, I am supposed to answer the question "What Do You Do?" without answering with the simple answer of my job.

Hmmmm - so here are some things that I do on a daily basis:

I mother - I feed people. I wipe noses, bottoms and tears.  I fix broken toys. I explain why Santa only comes once a year and why we can't fly to Heaven in an airplane to meet Jesus.  I referee fights over the only stick pony in the house. I put people in time out.  I read stories.  I tuck people in.  Basically, I'm an all-knowing super hero in 3 little people's eyes.

I work, but that's boring.

I drink coffee.  I'm either late or really early - never on time.  I skip breakfast except on the weekends.  I make lists (and then forget where they are).  I procrastinate.  I pop all over - all of my joints make noises.  I eat a lot of Mexican food.  I burp a lot (just being honest).  I read - newspapers, blogs, books, the back of the deodorant bottle.  I shop online but never "check out".  I call my mom.  I get too excited at t-ball games.  I sneak sweets when my kids aren't looking. I'm constantly picking up the house.  I put my kids to bed early so that I can have a conversation with my husband without being interrupted.  I try to get in at least one nap on the weekends.  I have funny conversations with my friends.  I constantly keep home improvement projects in the works.  I have vivid dreams.  I laugh when people fall (after checking to see if they're okay of course.)  I miss my grandparents.  I love my husband.  In general - I live a pretty simple life.  And that's MORE than okay with me :)

Come back tomorrow - I get to talk about the things I'm most afraid of.

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