Saturday, September 8, 2012

Tessa @ 1 Month

Tessa's first month is over and it seems like we just brought her home from the hospital yesterday.  She actually celebrated her 5 week birthday this past Friday, but we've had some internet issues and I'm late getting this posted.

Miss Tessa still gets props for being our best newborn.  She has gotten a bit better about letting her voice be heard ;)  She really only cries when she's overly tired or extremely hungry.  My boys were always big "I'm starrrrrvvvvinnnngggg!  Feed me RIGHT NOW!" babies.  She's not really that way.  I can always tells she's hungry by her grunting and chewing on her hands.

She's still a great sleeper - she's given us several 5-7 hour stretches at night, but mostly sticks to her first 4-5 hour stretch and then another 4 hour.  I haven't even tried to get her on any particular schedule during the day, but we generally follow the same pattern - eat, awake anywhere from 20 mins - 1 hour, and then she sleeps until the next feeding.

She went for her one month appointment last week.  She weighed 10lbs and 4oz and was 22.75 inches long.  That's a little more than 1 pound heavier and 2.25 inches longer than at birth.  That puts her in the 80th percentile for weight and higher than 95th percentile for height.  Her doctors gave her the green light to go on our beach vacation next week as long as I don't use sunscreen, keep her out of the sun (obviously since I can't use sunscreen!) and keep her out of the sand as much as possible, due to her oh-so-delicate skin.  I ordered a little baby beach tent and will be putting her cute little tail in there for (hopefully) those beach-induced nap times :)

Here are a few recent pics of our sweet Tessa!

Her big brother held her so sweetly and she nodded right off to sleep.  He was so disappointed when I finally picked her up and removed her from his arms.

Tummy time!

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