Wednesday, January 4, 2012

And Baby Makes.... Five?

Well there you have it folks.  The reason I've been so blah lately.  My STERILE husband and I are having a baby.  SURPRISE! Let's back up...

Two weeks before Christmas, I was working a short work week.  Tuesday was my last day, as I was taking the rest of the week off to do a little Christmas shopping.  I had lunch with a friend at our fave Mexican joint across the street from my office.  About two hours after lunch, I felt awful. I mean really gross.  It stayed with me all day and I ate chicken noodle soup for supper.

The next day I woke up feeling better and met my mom to do a little Christmas shopping.  We ate cheap food-court Chinese food and a few minutes later in the juniors department of Macys, BAMMMM!  I was sick.  (Don't worry folks, we weren't shopping for myself.  I have actually no idea what we were doing in the juniors dept. because I spent the next 30 mins in the bathroom.)  We left the mall and came home.  I just knew I had a stomach buggie goin' on.  More chicken soup for supper.

Thursday I felt better and I tried to take the kids to see Santa.  We ate lunch before we left and just two exits before the Mall exit on the Interstate, it hit me again. CRAP!  I whipped the car off the road and pulled into the closest place (A Babies R US no less!).  The kiddos saw Santa and we came home.

Friday was an easy day.  I was having the house cleaned, so the boys and I needed to get out of the house for a while.  We dabbled a little and then ended up at my in-laws where the boys could run off some steam.  I was exhausted.  I simply could not get off the couch.  It was so bad in fact that my mother-in-law offered to let me take a nap and I took her up on it.  I went to lay down.  I don't think I've ever done that.  I seriously felt like I had the flu (without the fever and chills).  So exhausted and nauseous all the time.

By Friday night, my husband and I were having a conversation about why I felt so bad and he ask jokingly if I was pregnant.  That couldn't be!  My husband is sterile!  Then I started thinking when WAS my last period? Has it really been that long? hmmmm......  The last time I could remember having a period was Halloween weekend.  (YES, I realize that's a long time but I wasn't keeping up with it because I thought my husband was STERILE!)

So just to eliminate the possibility of pregnancy, I take a trip to the drug store and buy a test.  On the way home, I contemplated the possibilities and assured myself that there was no possible way I was pregnant.  I came home and took the test right away.  The digital test took about 15 seconds to think about it and blinked PREGNANT.


More to come...... ;)