Friday, March 1, 2013

Tessa @ 6 Months

My sweet lovebug is officially half a year old.  She is getting soooo big and continues to be the picture of happiness 95% of the time.  Other times not-

She is eating more and more solids without making sour faces.  She gobbles it all up pretty quickly these days.  I wouldn't say that she has any real favorites.  Some days she goes nuts over peaches, and some days it mangos.  She also loves sweet potatoes.  She takes 5-6 ounces every 3 to 4 hours during the day.

In her 5th month, getting her to eat solids was a challenge, and sleep is the challenge in her 6th month.  She's started breaking free of her straight jacket swaddle blanket and it's quickly becoming unsafe.  Night one of no swaddle resulted in crying every 30 mins and by 3:30AM, mommy and daddy caved and swaddled her up.  (Hey! We had to sleep so we could work the next day!!)  Night two, she went down great & woke up only twice.  She didn't cry either time, but we definitely knew she was awake from all the babbling coming from the monitor.  Night three (last night), was a little more difficult BUT she had her 6 month shots yesterday and I know that had a lot to do with it.  After a little tylenol, she slept wonderfully.  We'll see how tonight goes. (Edited to add - she has NOT been sleeping great since the change. Oh well - no going back!)

She learned to sit on her own this month!  So excited for this milestone.  I really love being able to plop baby down in the floor with toys.  She still isn't so steady that I would put her down on the hard surfaced floors of the house, but definitely the carpet.  Who am I kidding - our hard surfaced floors are too gross to put baby on :/  Serious.

Her 6 month stats were:  17lbs and 10 ounces (70%).  28 inches long (95+%).  Head size is off the charts too (just like her brothers).

She still loves her exersaucer and her favorite source of entertainment - her brothers!  She loves to play with her toys and chew on everything.  She still has only 2 teeth.  She is such a joy and smiles 95% of her time awake.  The other 5% of the time she's upset because she's sleepy.  She's like her mama in that if she's sleepy, she's mad :)

I think it's also important to add that her grandparents and Aunt Kristian have officially spoiled my girl.  She thinks she needs to be held quite a bit now ;)  I swear it wasn't me that did this!

(Her eyelashes make even her momma swoon)

ETA - This post is way late (like she's going to be 7 months old in two days), but I did write it just as she turned 6 months old.  I just didn't get this pics added until today ;)

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