Sunday, July 22, 2012

38 Weeks Pregnant

Friends, I apologize for all my lack-luster blogging these days - what can I say?  I'm 38 months weeks pregnant in the 100 degree July heat and I'm tired.  I can NOT wait to have this baby.  All 10lbs of her probably.... 

So let's see what you've missed:

How am I feeling?:  eh.  I feel okay.  I can't honestly say that I feel great.  I can't honestly say that I feel horrid.  Some days are better than others - we're watching my blood pressure slowly creep up and on the days that I feel the worst, I know that it's because of my blood pressure (headaches, swelling, tiredness).

Swelling?:  I used to only have swollen ankles on the days that I was on my feet a lot at work, but now they're pretty consistently swollen each afternoon.  My hands and face have stayed the same though, thank goodness!

Any signs of labor?:  I'm having tons of Braxton Hicks contractions - some of them actually take my breath but none that I would classify as painful.  Sometimes I feel really crampy in my lower back, sides and hips - similar to the way it feels when a contraction starts, but then it goes away without becoming a full-blown contraction.  Either way - As of last Thursday, I'm 2cm dilated.

Are we ready?:  We're getting there!  We have the essentials nailed down - you know- the carseat, the diapers and the wipes.  We have a place for her to sleep for the first few weeks.  The nursery is still in progress and I'm 99% certain it won't be finished by the time she gets here.  Oh well - we have a heirloom cradle in our room, as well as the snugabunny infant seat - both of which my boys used for the first several weeks anyway.  I finally ordered her baby swing and baby monitor this week, so those should be here at least by the time she is ;)  Oh yea!  We also got a new (to us) vehicle to transport our daycare family in.  We were very very fortunate to be able to buy a family member's Yukon XL after they downsized.  The vehicle is in near-perfect condition and is a perfect fit for our family.  It has the captain's chairs in the middle section so I can easily get to the back seat for buckling/unbuckling.  That was a huge must for us in the car search, as well as ample storage room.  Basically, it came down to something like a Yukon XL or a mini van and neither Brandon or I were to enthused on the van idea....

I'm going to be honest though, I'm really tired of being pregnant.  My left hip is tired of being slept on all the time, my clothes are at that point where even they are straining to keep me covered, and I'm even more tired of everyone's cute comments.  Everyone always has something really original to say like "you haven't had that baby yet!?"  I really want to be a jerk and say "Yes - she's 4 weeks old."  and then fake cry, but this is coming mostly from customers at the bank and I think getting fired days before my maternity leave wouldn't benefit anyone either.

Maybe my next post will be a birth announcement of some sort ;)....................

1 comment:

  1. Your posts always make me laugh! I can't wait to see this adorable little girl. I know your Mom & Dad are ecstatic that their baby girl is having a baby girl. Dale will be even harder to put up with! I'll expect to hear the good news any day!
